Every repetition and overlapping makes me feel alive. Refilling the gap of time, making the extension of life meaningful. Numbness, close-minded, going with and against the flow. Only restless fishes would understand waters’ mystery.
The adobe courtyard wall is very smooth with yellow mud paint, the two-dimensional surface brushed with white lime gives me the impulse to doodle, which has not subsided for more than 40 years. The only difference is turning from a man of confidence into one of hesitstio.The rubble pavement soaks up the heat from the hot summer sun. The lush grass under the shade is mixed with anonymous wildflowers, emitting a fragrance, vitality, and colorful against the backlight, waiting for transformation.
The breeze keeps blowing slowly, three meals a day as usual, friends come and go. Swaying, looming. Painting is a matter of fate for me, not something that can be controlled by ration. From the very beginning, natural enthusiasm, lack of confidence, self doubting, starting and giving up, again and again.
Inexplicable interest in space and travel, influenced by concepts of drama and architecture, forming an indissoluble bond. As if entering a mysterious space with countless closed windows and doors. I was in confusion for a long time, without direction, always trying to find a breakthrough point.
Sprinkling fantasy bubbles in philosophical space , restlessly doodling and soaring freely. Creating an imaginary spatial expression in a physical scene. The broken mirror flying in the air stimulates the senses, explores the desire, reveals the arrogance after satisfaction, and reflects the utopia in the cognitive process. The specious perception is counting back to zero, again.
Attitude in the dust is especially important. Beautiful dust is always with you. It comes and goes with the wind.
Mobile phone receives a variety of information from time to time. Holly trees in my studio are still evergreen, dog-tail grass is secretly growing, the climbing vine is quietly spreading. There is no highlight moment to show off, but one can really feel the tenacious vitality. There is no trace of sinking and depression.
After crumbling several different pieces of paper, then lighting them up. With each passing second, the fire extinguished and dispersed, leaving a pile of ash on the table. After a gust of wind, they drift about.
In my studio, some experiments are done without direction, which often confuses me. The status produced by substances with different form under external forces can somehow seek a direction of thinking through visual cognition and presentation. Scientific experiment is to seek or discover the possibility and necessity of the existence of new substances. On the contrary, the experiment of visual art is a reflection of life, a metaphor, a spirit and a point of view. It will gradually transform into its own presentation and expression. Combing through one’s own thinking and cognition, I constantly discover the interrelated state between substances. There is no goal, just in such a collision, to satisfy and fill my inner emptiness, to kill boring time with questions.
"Vulgar", "boring", "pretentious", cranky and excited emotions, they all make me feel inexplicably uneasy, unable to vent the overflowing of impetuousness. I randomly paint on paper, and throw away visual fragments. Light and shadow, distortion, looking up, sitting up, flirting, drinking, mating, turning noise into silence in time. No exaggeration, no posturing, no opportunism. The flowing colors and lines express freely, making you calm down, making the innocent human subconsciousness convergent under the light, calm through the four seasons.
The existing versatility is constantly growing in the process of contradiction and conflict. There are often some ordinary and casual fun in life, which can be reassuring. Once lost, it is like losing the balance in normal life, therefore happiness also loses it's rich layers. I prefer to scratch on paper without purpose. The mechanism of touching it has a warm feeling.It can tolerate corrosion and friction in different ways. My eyes wonder across the paper, unable to focus, yet every scratch on it gives me inexplicable pleasure. I would work on several different topics at the same time, finding possibilities for expansion, then save them for the next day, if the interest still exists, I would continue to incubate. As the working day passes, there are more pieces of paper on my table.
I'm naturally optimistic and timid, but with wide interests. I can explore my fun, and like to play with different kinds of objects. Most of the time I sort my thoughts, predicting the way of expression, resulting to nothing. On the contrary, I'm often in a stagnant state, morning and afternoon makes no difference. In a semi-closed private space, emotions swim. Soft light spreads through the gray screen window, scattering on the carpet.
The highlight of the day is getting on a motorcycle and leaving.
The voice of flattery echos in the air full of catkins. In the dry spring breeze, they chase each other blindly, then fall into different corners, hug together, producing hidden danger by just one touch of fire. Relying on its light posture, they recklessly fly towards your face, causing serious seasonal allergy. The volume is small, the harm is yet great.
A dozen meters long table, scattered with a variety of paint brushes and tools. It does not look too messy. My reading glasses are always consciously lying on the scattered pile of books. There are many half-finished works lying on the ground, looking half-dead, sanctimonious appearance. Naturally, there are cases in progress, diffusing residual warmth after dopamine oxidation, striking people, and it seems that they are trying to make a big voice.
A pair of uninvited guests in the studio, "Dian Dian" and "Niu Niu", often wandering in to find a sunny spot to lie down for a nap, are also members of my
Always doubting. Facing endless knowledge and cognition, from unconditional absorption to doubt. Especially now, doubt is the deodorant of self-knowledge . Chaos theory says it best: "Some objects replicate the motion of a certain period of time according to a certain law, but the final change is unexpected", like the "butterfly effect".
As the Earth's carbon dioxide index rises and carbon emissions soar, research shows that it is caused by the methane effect of cow farts, which is simply amazing. Nature is too varied, too complex, too large. Any conclusion is temporary, but it does not mean to give up. Knowledge is always improved in exploration. Everyone has the right to use their own knowledge accumulation in the ideal or substantial state to prove, and "doubt" is the motivation for confirmation.
Han Lixun
Visual artist in Beijing, China.
Guest Professor, Shanghai Theatre Academy.
1985: Graduated from Stage Design Department, Shanghai Theatre Academy, majoring in stage design.
1991-1993: Studied at the Master Class, Dusseldorf State Art Academy, Germany.
Chief Visual Designer for dozens of national ceremonies and creative performances, including Opening Ceremony for the 4th World Women’s NGO Forum in Beijing, Opening Ceremony for Celebrating Return of Hong Kong, Ceremony for Celebrating 50th Anniversary of People’s Republic of China, Opening Ceremony for Celebrating Return of Macau in Beijing, Opening Ceremony for Beijing Olympic Games, Musical, Bird’s Nest Attraction, Show, Tianniang – Brewing from Heaven in Maotai. Design works also include architect, public space design, experimental art, paintings, installation, multi-media art, etc.
Education and Academic Exchanges including hosting Elite Course called Visual and Enlightening with Shanghai Theatre Academy for ten years, Lecture and Exchange themed The Dust Settles at Carnegie Mellon University, University of Buffalo, University of Kennesaw, University of Central Florida, UPS Headquarter, Atlanta.
2001: Prize from Beijing Municipal Government for the Opening Ceremony of the World University Games
2013: Golden Prize from IVCA, International Visual Communications Academy, England for the show: Bird’s Nest Attraction
l 在教育和学术交流方面,和国际知名的大学和专业学术机构合作。在上海戏剧学院开设长达10年的《视-觉》试验专题课程(现在还在进行中)。包括在美国卡内基梅隆大学举办题为《尘埃落定 自然而然》的讲学与交流。参加美国舞美协会纽约分支会议,在美国巴甫罗大学进行学术讲学与教学交流活动。在美国肯尼索州立大学讲学。应邀在美国亚特兰大UPS总部举办文化创意专题讲座。应邀在美国中佛罗里达大学举办专题讲座与学术交流。同时,多次受到政府及艺术机构嘉奖。包括2013年 担任视觉总设计的大型视觉秀《鸟巢·吸引》获IVCA(英国国际视觉传播学会)金奖。2001年 第21届世界大学生运动会开幕式大型文艺表演“HELLO 21” 获北京“十个一工程奖”等。
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